Sunday, May 01, 2005

Know your Enemy

"first up was that “elephantiasis” band who had eardrum-tearing amps, thus the semi-chris-villonco-semi-matet vox’s voice was out of my hearing capacity, they sucked. Waha! I didn’t understand any of her blabbings. See, I can’t even remember their band’s name. filthy."

There's more from where that came from?

Gee... isn't the forum supposed to be for Wuds only? Yet he managed to diss a band that most probably didn't even give an effin crap about his presence that night? Yeah, his opinion (no matter how out of place) is always welcome and yes not all bands can please everyone but I can't help but find it funny how he claims that the band's name wasn't worth remembering AND YET he took all the time and effort to read the band's blog and one of their member's blog and then copy-paste them at a forum that was not even supposed to be about them. AMAZING!

(I e-mailed the same thing to him)

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