Monday, September 30, 2013


"where do we go from heaven?" so goes a line from one of my favorite mighty lemon drops song also of the same title... having written some of the best songs we've done in years, being with some of the best musicians/friends i've had since being in a band, having a vocalist who, for once, could actually sing our songs the way i would want them to be sung, it's just sad thinking that i am again in a situation wherein i have to choose whether to start all over or just to simply end things right this very moment... i still have my other band soft pillow kisses and another new project called swallowing air plus two more other bands, Superminty and Lipstick Tragedy which i could freely start over again if i want to but it's a different story for candyaudioline... i would really want to go on but i think i'm not motivated enough at the moment and apart of feeling really very old for this, i'm afraid of not living up to the standards that we've presently set... i'm pretty sure that i'll always have the consistency in writing songs but the secret to really great songs is having people/band mates with you, who are good at what they are suppose to do and just the right amount of chemistry... we've had that but it's gone now... that's why we've been so quiet for the past year or so... and so. we'll continue to be quiet for the meantime... i'm still figuring things out... although an album is due for release in the near future... and i thinks that's something to look forward too... how long it may take,,