Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Me On Guitars at Practice

Last night, Alan dragged me out of bed at 11pm so I could practice with me on guitars in preparation for Buzz Night. I was so tired and sleepy that I couldn’t even change into decent clothes and instead pulled a blazer over my pajama tank and blue board shorts, hoping that nobody would notice I lacked a certain fundamental article of clothing. I slunk into the taxi and snored through the ride to Sam’s.

Ayn couldn’t make it because it was too late, so Joel took over her bass duties first. I didn’t even see the guys waiting in the “lobby” until they laughed a “good morning” at me because of my wrecked appearance. Ah well. The practice was important, but I only had enough brain cells to think about playing guitar and none left for dressing up.

It was very difficult to get used to the weight of an electric guitar and pushing the effects with my foot at the right moments. It took me forever to learn. What everyone else does is no easy task, after all, and it’s even worse when you try to sing while doing it. But somehow, I got through, with Allan supervising my progress and teaching me the weird stuff he does on songs like “My Silver Chair” and other songs. I felt most secure playing “An Empty You” and, surprisingly, “Felt So Fine.” But I’m confident I can pull through the others with more practice.

Fortunately, the guys were patient with me. But I promise that it will all pay off. Another practice will do the trick, and I hope I can practice with Ayn there, too. It’s pleasantly challenging.


About that last post…

Yeah, I agree with you, Ayn. Ralph has an x-factor, and a lot of people noticed it when he was still playing with us. Many times, we did explicitly state that Ralph was the gem of candyaudioline. I hope we can someday patch things up with him—if not about band matters, then just as a friend and kumpare.

I’m also optimistic about Dennis, who has kindly stepped up to the plate. He’s very talented, and I can see him contributing a lot to the band’s future projects, as did the former guitarists. Maybe we can move forward. But I’m also content with what we’ve been having so far (although it’s mostly because I can foresee us moving forward hehe). Anyway, I hope we continue to stay in touch.

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