Monday, September 26, 2005

Ruining it and stating the obvious

Hi everyone! FINALLY! Woohoo! I’ve been too busy at work to post and too tired during the weekends, but I’m glad I’m finally taking some time out to write this. I’m typing this Sunday night, though the time stamp tomorrow will say I posted it on Monday morning. Enough quibbling, though.

We had a great Buzz Night last night. The really pissy part was that Sugar Hiccup and Daydream Cycle didn’t show up, thought they had confirmed earlier, and they didn’t even let us know that they’d back out. I think that disappointed some people who specifically came for them, but I guess they had their reasons, which may remain a mystery for who knows how long… Anyway, these drawbacks weren’t enough to bring us down as we had a couple of really great acts lined up that night. Kings and Pawns gave a great performance again (love that song with the seemingly dissonant lead guitar and bass parts), and so did Popular Days!!! Jann Paul is alive again and Charles’s voice last night was positively gorgeous! I swear! Soft Pillow Kisses also did a great “Vodka Ice # 3” that enchanted everyone. I won’t go into more detail because Allan said he’d do the review, but let’s just say we really enjoyed last night.

The August ish of MTV Ink has finally come out and it has most of Allan’s interview about productions, namely, Buzz Night. Looking it over a few nights ago, I couldn’t stop laughing because Allan’s answers make him look like this mercenary asshole, especially his answer to the question What do you do it for?: “I do it for the money.”

Now, this isn’t a case of bad editing on the author’s part because I do remember that Allan wrote that, and he even posted it on this blog a while back :) The article was pretty faithful to the answers he had submitted. But it tickles me that he comes off as such a prick in this interview. He was ever so slightly worried about that because his reputation has always been kind of shot, and this digs his grave a little deeper, but I told him, what’s a little more dirt? Actually, his answers strike me as maverick… very indie *toothy grin here*. Liiiiiiiiiiiiike. Hehe. Arrogance suits Allan in every way.

Anyway, I still believe with conviction that he is the cliché of the giant softie. But of course, you’ll have to see it to believe it.


We played last night, of course, but we haven’t been practicing due to sked conflicts. Still, it was a great, if hurried, set. It felt sooooooooooooo good. Hopefully, we’ll be spending more studio time in the coming days to complete the repertoire.

After Buzz Night, the gang went to Colasa’s for a chorizo food trip. God, I missed those! Jann Paul and Gilbert were back, too, so it was a revival of old times :) Ang nakakatuwa pa, the waiter sat us upstairs in the smoking section, where there was actually a videoke machine set up! I was choking on the perpetual cloud of smoke, but became giddily happy when I finally was able to sing New order’s “Regret” on videoke. Yay!!! We sang a couple more songs before calling it a morning.

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