Sunday, April 09, 2006

* once upon a time, in a land far, far away... *

why do sperm cells look like wriggly tad poles under the microscope?

and why did the witch turn the poor prince in to a disgusting frog?

do fairy land tad poles grow up to become the frog that will turn in to my prince after the magical kiss?

i'm not looking for a prince for i am not a damsel in distress. it's just stress and a bad headache. i can handle myself.

no prince needs to sweep me off my feet and i will slay my own dragons. for i know my inner evils best.

glass slippers don't fit me and they are out of style. horses i may not know how to gallantly ride
but foxes i know how to tame.

i will run away even before the great clock strikes twelve. it's not that i'm afraid i will turn in to a vegetable or a fruit. i just have to go because you are boring me.

i'd rather sleep another hundred years than to wait for the magical kiss that will wake me up from this fantasy.

i don't need another slimy kiss that will eventually turn my so-called prince from charming in to another

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