Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Something Positive

Got a chance to talk to Jeff (Candyaudioline Drummer) last night... i asked him if he was still interested in playing drums for Candyaudioline... He said yes... We'll just have to wait and see if things will pick up from there... Atleast there's something positive to look forward to...


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm listening to you guys and you are doing a real nice job. The song right now: For All I Care.

Thanks for the music!

siegfriedo said...

Thanks too for the comment...

Anonymous said...

Hi are you...ann to talk with nerissa..hope you still remember us..(vivian's friends) hehehe..anyways, were listening to your song...flaming walls and our favorite..all smiles..if you have me @

Toko Jati Mebel Jepara said...

pusat mebel

jati jepara berkualitas

pusat mebel

jati jepara berkualitas

pusat mebel

jati jepara berkualitas