Monday, July 13, 2009

Rene's Request...

didn't have anything to do last Saturday so i called up Dennis and Rene and asked then if they'd like to watch Ice Age 3 with me... i was able to watch the movie a few days ago via download and was really laughing my head off inspite of the mediocre quality of the download...

Ice Age 3 is really a treat to watch... i was expecting Crash and Eddie to continue their craziness in this film but i guess they had to give way to a new character called Buck in that department... Even Diego was had a number of quite funny scenes himself... Sid was super all through out and Scrat too... Ooops, guess i have to stop from here...

Me, Rene and Dennis was able to watch the 3D version of the movie by accident which made the trip even more enjoyabe... i suggest you watch i too...

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